We can probably all benefit from listening to the yogi… just go with the flow.
When I logged into YouTube today and selected, at random, an at-home yoga video to follow. It was “all flow” yoga.
It was something new to me, I have just recently reinvigorated my interest and my practice of yoga.
I am trying…
As I have been, for years to find a way, a place, a solution to just let go of the work and the ideas that keep you running, up at night, not able to shut down and quiet the mind.
There are songs, movies and meditations that are endlessly available…things that help you to relax, unwind and allow you to just go with the flow. Take a moment to breathe and refocus. Take a half-hour or more if you can, but 5 minutes is a good start. It is just as important for the mind as the body (and the laptop) to get the time it needs to reboot. Try it tomorrow if you need a possible solution.
~ Dawn aka Hat Girl
PS Some day, maybe, like this – at the edge of a river – on top of a beautiful outcropping of rocks, land that certainly just went with the flow until it was more beautiful than before.