Toddlers start out saying “me can do it…” parents know that, but often think to themselves, I can do it faster and with less mess.
The reality is, as parents, we have to let them do it.
We have to let them start on their own to take chances, take risks and take responsibility for them selves and their physical safety.
- Swing on the swings.
- Slide down the slide.
- Pour a glass of juice.
- Wash their hands. Tippy toes, hanging on to the edge of the sink standing on a step stool.
- Make their bed.
- Pick up their laundry.
- Fold towels.
- Walk to their friend’s house, 2 doors down the street.
- Do their homework, editing their story to make sure it has an outline, substantiating argument, properly laid out in paragraphs, and a solid, convincing conclusion.
- Plan a meal and cook everything so that it is done at the same time.
- Drive the car without hitting the side view mirrors at the very edge of the right side of the road.
- Do your laundry so that you have clean shirts and socks that go with the outfit you need to wear for a presentation at work.
- Choose to have 1 glass of wine or a beer or a cocktail, celebrating a victory and waiting sufficiently to be sober – and completely clear headed – before driving home.
It amps up pretty quickly. As they get older and the risks get more risky. Having been there to help them through it, when they are younger, guiding them and coaching them to be on their own.
Of course, I can do it, but if I do…they will never be capable, independent, hard-working adults and able to actually do it on their own if we don’t trust them and let them be adults.
~ Dawn aka Hat Girl