I’ve Lost Count

It isn’t that much and yet, I’ve lost count already.

How many times does that happen to you?

It is a bizarre reality that unless it is a single event or occurrence – which is very easy to count because it is special – it is difficult to track. After that first time, it’s like yea, it’s snowing again.

A couple times? Maybe a few.

Perhaps it is seven.

After the first and then subsequent instances, the unique feeling is gone. It isn’t novel. You get super comfortable, and then, it is easy to forget.

Thank goodness we are not in an area where we hit the high double digits. Imagine getting close to 100 snowfalls in a season. That would be way worse and would probably add up to a lot more than feet than mere inches or “just a dusting”.

So far, this year… oh heck, yep I’ve lost count and you know what, maybe I won’t even try to figure it out. It is going to happen again and again this season. I am not going to worry (it does not worry me though, actually, I kind of like it). Someone will let us know the official number at the end of winter. Until then…just sit back and enjoy the view.

~ Dawn aka Hat Girl

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