It Takes More

Usually, it takes more to do something (at least the first time) than you think it will. 

Besides the months of preparing to have a baby, trying to have a baby, and then growing a baby…raising one is full of endless effort. It’s easy to want to tap out, take a nap, cry or just throw in the towel. 

Luckily, most of us have help – some are lucky, like me – and have more help than they ever could have hoped to have. Besides an amazing husband, I have two grandmothers…and their spouses…who have helped raise our three children. Top that with a handful of sisters and amazing friends who are the sisters I have found to go through this crazy life with me…plus, the even more (countless) women who are moms of my children’s friends and in turn have become friends of mine. They all help make this life better.

Parenting, it takes more than one mom…and I have many who can all relate, laugh, cry or provide support and encouragement when I need it most. Once a year, it’s nice to be able to focus on how amazing they are. A card is not enough to convey my thankfulness, so I hope that this little blog helps communicate how very important you all are to me…and I hope, I can someday, somehow, repay you for your kindnesses.

~ Dawn aka Hat Girl

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