As we creep our way screaming into May and the beginning of summer, I ask – “How do you fit it all in… to your schedule AND not go crazy?”
These days are just packed.
Today, I think differently of what Bill Waterson meant when he wrote the compilation of Calvin and Hobbes comics with a similar title.
Years ago I would just read Calvin and Hobbes – the ones with all the weekend, full-color comic strips and just enjoy the imagery – and the idea was perfect.
I knew that I could always do more.
- Have more fun.
- Be a part of it all.
- Sign up for everything that was going on around me.
- Say yes to this and that and the other thing, too.
Now, we really get to live it. As we round into the end of the year and the days are jammed up…filled with everything under the sun:
- Holidays and birthdays (we have 5 this month and 4 of them are this week)
- Final tests and exams
- Book reports and presentations
- Spring concerts, performances and events
- Not to mention the banquets, dances and Prom
- Friends coming to stay for the weekend (twice)
- Reunions (there are also two of these coming up…)
- Parades and concerts in the park, too.
Life is full. (We are so very lucky that it is.)
But, how do we choose?
Where should we be and what do we want to do?
I wish we could do more.
But, then again, sometimes – having a rain out is a good thing. Sure, you’ll have to make it up, but if they happen to combine it with another game on one day you won’t have to wonder how do you fit it all in..Take the day, take the rain out and maybe, just stay in and rest. You are probably going to need it. Especially you mom.
~ Dawn aka Hat Girl