In today’s world, our kids can be friends regardless of whether they are here or there. I am not – in any way – discounting face to face friendships… It is just that there are many options they can use to stay in touch that we didn’t have as little as 10 years ago, less than a generation, impacting so many in a very positive way.
Friends of mine are working on Beam+ and BeamPro, a device that allows a much more personal connection even than video chat. It is certainly more interactive than the xBox Live, FaceTime, Skype or just instant messaging.
Kids may not care now, but they will someday. Now, all they’re worried about is whether they can still play a game together with one of them here, or there – in today’s case, San Antonio, TX – where, unbeknownst to my son, his friend was vacationing this week. Like I said, not the same…they couldn’t go to the pool together, but they certainly could interact as if they were just a few blocks away, as they often do.
~ Dawn aka Hat Girl