Going with the flow, sometimes means that you need to get into the groove.
Like dancing. Move with the music. Let the beat roll over you. Close your eyes, and just sway back and forth.
Of course there are things that you’re really good at. They are easy. They are smooth. They are controlled.
They look good when you’re done – or when you’re doing them.
Other things that you haven’t practiced, as much…don’t (look good.)
Think of painting or yoga or drawing. Maybe it is web coding, parallel parking, or cracking an egg in one fluid motion, while in the other pan you are deftly flipping an omelet.
Anything that you haven’t done countless times – yet – is going to appear to be bumpy. Herky–jerky and not quite as professional as if you had done it hundreds or thousands of times.
You definitely have to let go and go with the flow. You need to try. You will make mistakes. You can correct them. You can leave them on the wall for a reminder of what you did wrong (hopefully not the omelet, but maybe the painting.) The important thing is that you tried, you keep trying and you get better with time, practice and routine.
Every morning when I follow the yoga routine it still feels awkward. It has only been a couple of weeks. There are some moves I can do but moving from one position to another I have to take multiple, tiny, little steps. There are many iterations to get from one position to another. I am okay with that. I know I will get into the groove. That is the important thing. I am up, I am doing it and i am trying to improve. I know one of these days, I will get the hang of it. If I don’t… that is okay, too. If anyone is watching, at least they will see that I am dedicated to the practice.
~ Dawn aka Hat Girl