At this time of season, there are people out there who totally believe that it is not good enough to just be fresh baked.
Cookies that is.
To clarify, they need to be made from scratch…if you think you are going to add them to the cookie swap.
Sounds like a completely fair requirement. Right?
You may not have to go all the way through to icing them in festive colors with hand placed decorative silver pearls, gum drops and fancy dragée.
Break and beaks, or refrigerator store cookies don’t last as long as those made from scratch in your kitchen. I am not talking about them being eaten so fast that you can’t store them, even with all of the preservatives they have doesn’t help them stay as fresh as long as the home made versions will.
Making those that come from the dairy aisle might be cheating but they are better than no cookies at all, right?
Yes, not making cookies at all might is definitely worse.
So, pulling them out of the wrapper, baking them off and then placing them on the counter, fresh baked, hot and ready to eat is okay for home, even if it isn’t appropriate for the cookie exchange event this weekend.
~ Dawn aka Hat Girl