If yesterday seemed like it was a long one, then today was forever and a day more.
- Long days make for great conversations.
- Long days might mean you get a lot done.
- Long days should be spent enjoying every bit of the sunshine.
- Long days are to be lived to their fullest.
- Long days we experience now make the other ones seem like there just isn’t enough time.
- Long days are meant to stretch out, take a nap and wake up refreshed.
- Long days should be followed by a great night’s sleep, a relaxing shower and a second lingering cup of coffee at home.
It has been forever and a day since I held my breath, waiting…and yes, I know that breathing is natural and we should do so more often, it still happens. Even my new watch tells me so. Glad I have that to remind me now so that I can not only be done waiting – relieved – but also actually start to relax.
~ Dawn aka Hat Girl