There are limitations in the automotive extended warranty, as you can certainly imagine – just like with a coffee maker, an iPad or a flat panel TV.
The manufacturers can’t guarantee full replacement or even support of repair – well, for a few reasons. Number one is that they can’t afford it… In particular, Nissan has three reasons why their manufacturer warranty will be null and void:
- Conditions that the vehicle was not intended to be in (such as extended extreme cold or heat…so last winter, with our extended sub-freezing temps would have met this exemption.)
- Acts of God (of course – no one can control that…)
- User driving habits – or error.
So, after explaining all of this, the finance manager (a very sweet guy, father of 3, 2 girls and a boy…adorable pictures of his kids facing our side of the desk) asked us if we wanted to pay the cost now, with our monthly payment. A mere additional $50 to $100 per month gets us more years and miles over the standard three year, 36 month warranty.
After the glowing recommendation or the benefits of the program, I think we will skip the extended warranty.
~ Dawn aka Hat Girl