Don’t believe everything you read online. I mean, use your judgement and be discriminating. You don’t have to be skeptical of everything, but know from where it comes…
I could start with the recipe that I chose today for dinner, but admittedly, I didn’t use 100% of the ingredients listed; so it could have been user error. Additional online research later – both the rice producers and the manufacturers of the machine answered the question – “Can I make rice in a crock pot?” with a resounding “NO!”
On a day like today, there are millions of people in the northeast trolling the internet and sharing on social media keeping busy in between shoveling the snow and clearing their driveways.
However, everything you read online about Ant Man is probably true. I do like Paul Rudd, and even Michael Douglas – that dude from House of Cards – yea, he’s cool, too. Marvel really put themselves out there with this one. Heart warming, maybe. Thrilling, not really. Clever, not so sure about that – it was (seemingly) trying to be like Ocean’s Eleven, but not quite as cool and not quite as believable.
~ Dawn aka Hat Girl