Do what you like, Love what you do…
I just have to think that there is something going on with this statement. I do find it to be inspirational in most areas of life:
- work
- career
- home
- education
- family
- friends
- food (have I mentioned how much I like food?)
- entertainment
Well, you get the idea.
Let’s focus the last few of these, first and foremost, because, well, if you aren’t loving your friends, the food you eat or the entertainment you pursue, you should change those things. NOW. You can change them on your own pretty easily.
If you have family you don’t like – well, ummmm, gee. I am sorry, but I don’t know that I am the one to help you, I know some good therapists I can refer to you. They can help.
Along with family, if you are those early years of K-12 education, there isn’t much I can do for you, while I am a proponent of home-schooling (years after thinking home-schoolers were “looney toons”, I realized that they were much smarter than I and I applaud them ferociously. REALLY. I don’t have the capacity, the guts or the wherewithal to do it on my own and I wish I did. You are an inspiration.) If you are in any type of undergraduate or post graduate studies AND you don’t like it, well then, YOU should do something about it, after all you are probably paying for that education in some way or another, loans, debt to parents (guilt / loans / proving them right / or even proving them wrong…)
But I digress (sorry, even with editing most of my writing is pure stream of consciousness. If you don’t like it, you don’t have to read my blog, at least today, it is a free country as we used to say and you can do what you like in that regard.)
Now down to the brass tacks – Work. Career. Home.
Probably easier to talk about the first 2, the other may get into some of the other heavy stuff I talked about earlier. Plus, a lot of the time, if the first two of these are not right, then it affects the home. In all meanings of the word. And – when you get these things right… home is pretty sweet.
Work is what you do that you get paid (or should be paid) to do.
Career is the vocation in which you do this work. Even after being on a career for a while, there is no reason you can not change it. You should if you are not happy. It doesn’t have to be over night, heck – in all likelihood – it won’t happen over night.
But it will NEVER change if you don’t start to make it happen. Ideally,make the work you love into your career. I did it. I started out as an engineer (Bill Cosby “Started Out As A Child”…he’s funnier than I am. By. FAR.) Then, I became a marketer. Now, I am even more than that.
You need to take the risky steps, shove aside the unsurety, ask for help, bounce ideas off of people whom you trust, trust in yourself, think about it long and hard and then, do something and make it happen.
We only get one lifetime. Make the most of it, and if you can’t, or won’t – make the best of it. Be inspired by those in your community around you – including the ever widening community at large – anyone on the internet can be part of your “world” and community.
I wish you the best and hope you can take that step. I have started my journey and I don’t know where it will lead – yet – but I have the goal to do something different and to enjoy more of what I do, each day, even more. Think about the things you are good at, that you like doing and what they will pay you to do. Hopefully all of your circles are vast…and overlap more than a little.
Today’s hat? My cowGIRL hat, because this is a new adventure and I am ready to smile and have a bit of fun, after all, it is the weekend – and I am doing my WORK and LOVING IT! Thanks for reading…
What did I say before? I am editing it. Do what you love, love what you do… ~ Dawn, aka Hat Girl
PS Last night, I had a little bit of fun (well, a lot of fun.) Maybe this is inspirational – I am NOT a good painter. But, I enjoyed myself and everyone told me how much they liked it. Make a little happiness for yourself today.