As Quickly As Possible

I know that many people take their time, while others make decisions as quickly as possible, whether it is because they want to get started right away or they don’t overly deliberate when choosing what to do next.

Neither choice or method is wrong, they are just different.

The holiday season always brings to mind certain memories and one, that sort of inspired this post. That was Harry Burns’ mantra at the end of sweet Nora Ephron’s 1990s, Rom Com, When Harry Met Sally. You know, when she says she hate him and then kisses him anyway, because she really loves him, too.

He saves the day with this great line which could apply to life in general, it doesn’t have to be just about the love of your life…

I came here tonight because when you realize you want to …spend the rest of your life with somebody,… you want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible.

Of course, he had Nora to make it work and none of us have her anymore, just the memories of her…

In life, every day life, that isn’t part of a scripted movie, we have to make decisions. Sometimes we don’t have the time to deliberate, sometimes they are not that “critical” to life and sometimes they are questions that you really can’t answer – only time will tell – it is out of your hands.

  • What should you have for dinner tomorrow?
  • What to answer when someone asks: “How are you doing?”
  • Should I take the highway to work as usual, or take the back roads?
  • Should I bring donuts to the office? Everyone has been kinda stressed out with all of the end of year closeout accounting, and I am done with my work.
  • Should I wear the black socks with the stripes or the polka dots?
  • Do you think Target will have the game my son wants for his birthday or should I order it online?
  • Is it time to start a new company and begin a whole new business concept?
  • Will my kids become successful? Have I set them up with the best chances in life?
  • Will it snow so much tomorrow that school is just delayed or will they have off and I will have to convert all of my meetings to conference calls instead?
  • If it snows, will I be able to get everything done on my list or not?
  • How much of a hassle is it really to own a dog, I mean, you can literally bring them almost anywhere now, how tough could it be?
  • Should I eat that sea-salted chocolate caramel now, or wait until tomorrow?
  • What flavor is the mystery Oreo?

Not everything has to be decided, either; but, sometimes, you do want to make changes.


When you finally decide that things have to change, you want them to happen as quickly as possible so that you can get right to it and enjoy the new life that you want to create. Whatever it is – decide, for yourself – don’t just let life roll over you and allow other people, even talented writers or public figures, make your life into something you don’t want it to be. The choice is yours…today, tomorrow, next month or next year; it is your life and your decision.

~ Dawn aka Hat Girl

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