
No pressure. No stress. No worries. Absolution from all things that trouble you… I think that would be a great Mother’s Day gift. Moms would give it to their children, their spouse, their parents, siblings and friends. They would enjoy a day – even though granting this for all the days would be most ideal – and then, at least one day a year would be bliss.

No one is perfect like the marketing gurus and the media proclaim it to be; if you only do these 5 simple things, the 6 essential actions, the 7 habits… to be honest, it takes at least 100 more tasks than even that, and some people can do it, others try hard and have some success, many can’t do more than 3. But it is OK…really.

Princess Diana wasn’t perfect; neither is her daughter-in-law looking beautiful hours after having her ^ namesake; nor the singer who came back to her size 2 or the actress who adopted a gadzillion kids and saved them from their countries unfortunate life of poverty. Even the entrepreneur, writer and fitness mom with the 3 year old, 2 year old and 8 month old who shared her perfect 6-pack and asked “what’s your excuse?” admitted that likes french fries and ice-cream. (She, of course, doesn’t eat them, but that’s another story.)

I think today is a day, at least once a year, when nothing should bother anyone. The gift is just right, the meal is exactly what she wanted, the nap you let her take was delightful, the house is not messy or dusty or cluttered… Perfect absolution is the gift I’d give to everyone if I could. Happy Mother’s Day. A day for all days…enjoy it.

~ Dawn aka Hat Girl

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