This is a tale of two boys. The Go-Getter and the Go-Doer.
Let’s go ahead and fast forward to the “legit” job. The Go-Doer, he is the one who was forced to get a job. The one standing at the checkout counter, where a person, making multiple attempts at prodding to coerce a moment of customer service attitude, finally gave up after saying earnestly “have a nice day…” to which there was no response or acknowledgement. Not even a slight, eyes down cast, nod.
This customer was just hoping to be able to pull some glimmer of polite conversation out from behind their teenage armor. Well, that and maybe to make a point that we can’t give up on someone, no matter how they act toward another.
Now, we go back to the Go-Getter, the one who had the initiative to go out and buy inventory. The one who then went on to walk door to door trying to sell these items, in spite of the small polite signs that say “no soliciting”.
This one has the gumption, the guts or, I think the modern-day term would be grit, to go and ask very politely each person if they would like to buy something.
Someone said to him that they did not have cash and without a skipping a beat said that they could write a check. He laughed when they said, “I’m sorry, but who carries a checkbook anymore? Do you accept Venmo?”
“No, I don’t yet; but, thank you for the idea!” was his enthusiastic response.
He then turned to someone else, and started his pitch. Then, pausing for half a second “oh, I already saw you in another store, didn’t I?”
Both characters have the soul of a teenager. Slightly insecure, not 100% confident, but out there in the world regardless.
Both, equally may be bored out of their mind, just waiting to sit down, play a video game and relax even though one seemed happier, aware and engaged.
Who knows, right? Maybe they were both told to go and do this thing called work.
In a tale of two boys, my first character would not measure up to the kid who was doing something – not exactly illegal – but not 100% legit either. Still, while I have hope for both of them, the latter would be on my short list to consider as a new employee if I was hiring.
~ Dawn aka Hat Girl