In just a few more days the kids will be done with school, the pre-Christmas sales will be replaced with post-holiday sales – even deeper discounts on what nobody thought was interesting enough to buy as a gift – and we will be able to fully relax.
I hope.
As adults, most will fit into one of two categories – off for the rest of the year or frantically trying to finish it out. Even many small business owners fit into one category or another.
Before the kids were in school, I used to work when everything was quiet in the office. All the parties and lunches were done, and no one else was there to bother me with meetings, phone calls or e-mail.
It was so wonderful.
I would take time off in April and October among other random days here and there, like our Anniversary, and my birthday – because I could. Fall vacation time was amazing, when everyone was done with summer vacations; we would revel in the lovely Indian Summer, lack of crowds and lower cost rentals. No reservations needed at restaurants and the chef had time to talk…relax.
Today wasn’t a relaxing “Sunday” off – leisurely enjoying the holiday season. I know, I never was quite ready before hand. Come to think of it, I come by it honestly.
Old habits die-hard…and family traditions rule. Whether you agree with them or not. Both my husband and I were raised in homes where you decorated the tree on Christmas Eve. Not sure why, but it is the truth and a habit that we just can’t fight, so why should we? It will get done and it will all be amazing.
Today even though we tried to get ahead of the holiday, we had back to back events, work to do to be ready for the week. So, yes, we are still trying to be “ready”. Ready for the one big day that really will be here in a few more days whether we are done decorating or not.I am sure that it will still be wonderful.
~ Dawn aka Hat Girl