Tell Us Why

Think about it…then, tell us why. Your story. Your reason. Your opinion. Your decision. Your rationale. Your uncertainty. Your ideas to improve. You are the one who can explain it. Tell us why and most of us will actually listen. Read More …

So Full

Hearts and bellies, both… So full. Love. Believe. Thanks. Time. Together. Family. Lucky. Grateful for happy Thanksgivings and a life also so full that we can barely believe it is true. May this season find you and yours in a Read More …

Officially the Holiday Season

What is it in your mind that makes it officially the holiday season? Is it a flip of the calendar? It is a specific date to start the countdown – 100 days to go. Is it the end of the Read More …

It’s Like a Holiday

Thanksgiving, it’s like a holiday that has no equal. No presents are required. The focus is instead on time with family and friends. Lots of food you normally wouldn’t eat. Being around the house. Watching football (if you are into Read More …