Do you know your range, your capabilities to perform – to achieve your fullest potential?
I was truly inspired by our youngest daughter yesterday. She raised her hand at the youth choral to move from Soprano to Alto – they needed a few more Altos to round out this impromptu group. How mature of her! Under 10 and she knows that she can adjust her voice and still perform confidently…
Too often, I think, people – including myself – get into a mode where they are really good at what they do. We forget that we can do more. We get nervous, we don’t trust ourselves, we are afraid to fail.
In my career, fairly often I was chosen to do something new…twice it happened when I’d just returned to work from maternity leave – and when I look back, I have to ask myself: “Did I take as many risks as I could? Did I take on a new challenge every time I could have?” No. I didn’t.
We get comfortable, we’ve just had a baby, we just bought a house, we need to be efficient, we can’t take more time than we have to give…we don‘t want to give more or we don’t trust ourselves enough.
I am fairly certain that your range is wider than you think it is. We need to push ourselves to do more – for ourselves, for our kids, for our future. Step out of your comfort zone and sing your heart out – I know you can.
~ Dawn aka Hat Girl