Would You Care To Comment

What would you do if someone randomly came up to you in a restaurant, on the street, in your favorite retail store and asked you if you would care to comment?

  • On what topic you might want to know.
  • To what audience you might want to know.
  • For what purpose you might want to know.
  • Who wants to know you might want to know.

The general public will share an opinion, based on what they read, hear, see or are exposed to on Social Media…but what if it were:

  • the news
  • the 5 o’clock show
  • their favorite news anchor (do people have a favorite anymore?)
  • and everyone would know what you think.

In that case, you know your opinion would be shared with more than just the people you know and the ones they know.

If someone – whether you knew them or not – asked you their opinion of a big life decision, would you care to comment; or, would you be afraid… Of what they would think; of how they would react, or, of whether they would agree with your recommendation? If it is okay on Social Media, then it should be ok everywhere else. Decide if you will speak up, share your opinion, and share your experience. No one will know, what you know, unless you do.

~ Dawn aka Hat Girl


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