Wish You Were Here

I know that we can’t do anything about it, but really wish you were here…right now.

Not in my home office, but, maybe my living room.

I know the hotels, real offices, restaurants, national parks, nail and hair* salons would all agree. *(I am sure that we are all thankful for low res video, because it’s probably getting pretty hairy out there. In here, too. Hair cuts on the schedule for the boys were cancelled, maybe see you in a month?)

When we can go out and be together again, it will probably feel a little crowded. Maybe homes in the country will see an uptick in population, but maybe the cities will, too. (Errr, depends. Maybe not.)

Who knows.

What I do know, is that I truly wish you were here, for a hug, an in person smile and a casual, non-screen time conversation. Cheers to everyone, it’s Friday night and the first say of Spring Break (for us anyway) starts tomorrow.

~ Dawn aka Hat Girl

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