Lost items, missing links and random finds along the way…all fall in to the category of where did that go?
It is easy, in the day-to-day hurry and scurry to misplace things – at work, in the house, out in the garage or at a friend’s or family member’s home. Seek and you may find, but enlist others to help. They may know exactly where to look. [Or, they will remember that you donated it, ages ago, and it is gone forever. If you really want another one (and need it) you may just have to buy a new one.]
What was that video we watched? Was it a Reel, Youtube, on a website, a video blog, or maybe a random scroll-by that made you linger for some reason on TikTok? The missing link is not in your cache, so you will probably have to search for it again. [I am sure you will also find a few other tips and tricks, but, hopefully, you will find the one you seek. Oohh, maybe you shared the link…try that, too!]
Remember when we were out that time, with the kids, in that place, with the perfect lunch? Yes! Wow, yea, that was a great find wasn’t it? Let’s go there again. Do you remember the name? The town? The name of the dish they served? [I am sure we will figure it out. Just keep thinking about it and it will magically surface in a sweet little memory. PS maybe you snapped a pic of your coffee foam, or the crepe, or your adorable littles and you can figure it out that way.]
Time on the other hand, well – the weekend has come to a close – we had so much time when it started and where did that go? It was well spent – out, brunching, lunching, shopping, playing, reading, watching, helping others, planning, dreaming, conspiring, sharing time together, picking things up and putting things away. [Wishing you a happy Sunday and hoping you know exactly how well the time was spent.]
~ Dawn aka Hat Girl