If someone offers you a project, a client or a job, what’s it worth to you?
Our kids are less than enthusiastic at times to do jobs for money. I have offered, what I think was a more than reasonable fee for their time.
Certainly, there are jobs that you wouldn’t take, no matter the price…or is there a price that makes it worth your while?
Does it depend on how hard it is, how much time it will take, or how much effort or brain power you will expend? Is it interesting? Is there value to you?
Today, I asked the kids: “What’s it worth to you if one you finds the lost phone?” An instant, unanimous answer, “shopping for a book at Barnes and Noble.” 1 book. (Far less in most cases than the $25 cash I had already offered – I’ll take that offer and gladly pay their fee.) Now, they just have to find the lost phone – which is of course, worth far more than a single, fictional, YA book from BN.
~ Dawn aka Hat Girl