Too Long

Many things are too long.

Some are too short.

The worse of the two however, depends on what it is exactly.

When you are a kid, church is just longer than you can bear, but recess is always shorter than you’d want.

The book you want to never ever end, is always a few chapters too few.

The drama series that has run it’s course of twists and turns, kidnapping the same person not once, or twice, but three times in a 24 hour period – a just a half a day more than it needed to be. We got the idea already.

Articles with many facts and citations, for a casual topic – TLDR – we never want to get to that point, do we? No one is paying by the word. Except that they are, in a weird, technological way.

So, find the sweet spot, the Berenstain Bears of hats, honey trees and time with family. The journey is always too long when we would rather just be home again, cuddled up (or hanging out) on the couch and relaxing together. But, when we get there, we should be able to stay as long as we want.

~ Dawn aka Hat Girl

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