I can’t help but wonder about the many, many thoughts that people think.
- Am I too old?
- Am I too young?
- Am I too fat?
- Am I too thin?
- Are these pants too short?
- Is my hair the right color?
- Can you see my grey hair peeking through?
- Is there too much blond in my highlights?
- Will they think I am smart even though I am… (a girl, blond, younger than everyone else)?
- Do I have too many wrinkles?
- Do the boys like me?
- Do the girls like me?
- What if I don’t know the right words… (to sing the song, to present the presentation, to explain my idea to the group to get my point across)???
- What if I fail the test?
- What if I forget my lines?
Everything that we think and say to ourselves in our heads is heard…and causes a reaction. Every thought creates some reaction. No one is immune. Stay tuned for more thoughts on these topics: hair length, BMI and age.
~ Dawn aka Hat Girl