Then There Were None

Lots of times we are sad when we run out of things. As the story goes, and then, there were none, makes people frown, and lament when times were better.

It could be simple, little things, like when all the Christmas cookies are gone. You hope that more are made or arrive, soon. Because as luck would have it, just when you thought there were no more treats your neighbor pops over for a short visit bringing homemade goodies, or UPS arrives bringing a package. A client sent you petit fours. It makes you happy. You smile. You go on.


It could be complicated, like when your friends are passing on and you have one less in your close knit group. The hope is that you have many memories to share and along the way, in your grief, you make new friends who make you smile. People with whom you can remember the good times – even going so far as to create new happy moments.

Thinking back, way back to that time, then; there were none other than the good times. A lot of laughter, too many cookies (or cheesesteaks and cheese fries as we were inclined to enjoy), and a few drinks more than we should have shared in the late nights. Time passes. Things change. Life goes on. We will remember. Please smile. We love you.

~ Dawn aka Hat Girl

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