What we do with the time we have – how do we spend it?
Someone really smart said TIME = LOVE and as we ease our way into February, I am focusing in on this, because LOVE is so important. In case you needed reminding, or maybe just a little inspiration…
I think I saw that time mattered most this Christmas, but I am a lucky one. My kids are relatively happy, they don’t want or need a lot. They got time from us. We hung out, watched movies in and out, at the theater – we talked about Carrie Fisher and her Mom. Maybe it was more time than they wanted, but hey – I am the mom and my husband is their dad – we were thankful to get time as our gift, too.
Years and years ago, I made a push, it turned into a proposal and with it a pledge, to work efficiently and effectively, but to do it from home. I didn’t get it 5 days a week, but 2 became 3 and now 5 (counting weekends net of travel days.) Not going to the office saved me a 1.5 to 2 hour turn, in and out, of the city. A commute that I do not miss.
While I am still a “work-a-holic” the work I do now is quiet flexible, I spend time with my kids – even if, as they have aged, the conversations are in between moments of earbuds being removed and replaced, repeatedly. I see them. We talk. They let me work, I let them be teens.
I know that the time we have is short. Soon, they will go off to college, to their own lives – the ones that we encouraged them to have. I will know that I had a lot more time than others, even if I want more still. I still have a chance…they aren’t leaving tomorow. So, I will make the most of it and I hope that you have that abiliy, too. Here’s to Love…and lots and lots of time.
~ Dawn aka Hat Girl