The Back Story

My husband and I are constantly on the search for a good movie to watch. Our kids are getting older and thus more independent. We have more time…rather than work (or write) all the time, we can sometimes relax. This one last night was all about the back story for a new movie franchise… one that sadly (or maybe hopefully) will ever make it to a sequel. 

I can’t help but relate to this ideal. I mean, they tried. It was admirable, but not successful.

It works for marketing a company, too…where a brand will share it’s history to help you, as a customer, relate better to them. Of course, some are better at it than others. Or, maybe they are just more relatable..which today is so important. 

Just like our family shares a history, we can’t always relate. We may have a common past but not the exact same experiences. Our perspectives are different. We were older, they were younger, they were more involved or maybe we were not paying as close attention. 

I think, too that we forget the details that we don’t always want to remember. Are they really that important to who we have become? 

The back story for a brand may also be less than perfect…even though they have it together now. It is some of where we came from, but more importantly, I think where we have gone and what we actually have done that is most important. That movie…well, maybe they can hire a different writer, new actors or even the director…then they may have a chance at their future, too.

~ Dawn aka Hat Girl

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