That Time of Year

It is that time of year. Fall…elections.

I see signs all over the grass, on people’s lawns, at intersections, some billboard sized. Plus, various forms of digital advertising. (That’s what you get for going and looking up the ballot for your local area; making sure you have all of the information before you go to the polls.)

Doing last minute research. Deciding. Just to be sure.

Not just voting the color of your party.

Making a real choice. For the people who are running.

That take a lot of guts…

Maybe more even than running. Even though they are knocking on somebody’s door asking for their vote.

It may be just the difference that it takes for you, as a citizen of the local area, to make a decision about somebody you don’t know well.

Or, know well enough.

Take the time to talk. This is your chance. More than any other time. Ask them the burning questions. Why? What? When?


Of course you don’t know their record, or history, or their experience. But, if we really think about it, how well do we know the others?


Sometimes, all I can hope for, is somebody who will be honest and true. Someone who will listen to their community, represent the people – not just the ones who voted for them – and do their best.

Regardless of party. Regardless of history. Regardless of the party.

No doubt, it takes a lot of guts to run, and it definitely takes a lot to knock on somebody’s door.

I say, don’t fret the knock on the door, welcome it. It’s that time of year and one can only hope to meet someone of high quality and worthy on the other side.

~ Dawn aka Hat Girl

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