In my mind, there are so many things that just seem to be standing still…
No, I do not mean AM, rush hour traffic in the burbs heading into the city.
I mean, the people who first interviewed me – they were 34 and the one guy had toddlers.
Of course, they’re still in their thirties (in my mind) … and their kids are in elementary school while I’m now married, haven’t worked for that company in over ten years (I was there for longer than that) and my eldest is – just now – an adult.
The babies we watched just to get paid $2.50 an hour, all the chips and ice cream you can eat…yup, they are now adults, too. They’re also married and their kids are in middle school, too.
Life does go on.
People come and go, born, grow up, change from how they were in high school and even college.
It’s good to do that; to happen – for life to happen.
Nothing in our lives, should be standing still – not even our memories.
~ Dawn aka Hat Girl