Today it was sort and resort, books which we have and have bought, read, enjoyed.
Or not.
- Fiction
- Non-fiction
- Historical fiction
- Biography
- Thriller
- Young Adult
- Romance
- Picture books
- Cult classics
- The Classics
- Summer reading list
- Book club picks
- Loaned two decades ago and forgotten
- Screen plays
- Trilogies
- Self-help
- Book 7 of 7 (never read one through six)
- Pulp fiction
- Poetry
- Work out picture books and step by step
- Business concepts to try
- Financial advice
- Cook books
- Language study guides
- Last year’s school reading must have list
Now, it is time to either reread them or share them. Set them free.
Free to whoever wants them, needs them, has a burning desire to enjoy them.
Pick your titles, pick your favorites, pick the ones you’d recommend – sort and resort keeping what you must. Or, be generous giving an opportunity to someone else to enjoy. They are, after all, excellent or terrible, but in the eyes of the beholder, worthy of at least one read.
~ Dawn aka Hat Girl