There are so many choices before you. What to do next?
Never can anyone say that they are bored when there are so many options ahead of you. Read a book, write a book, write a short story, go for a walk, follow Twitter (you could never be bored there – its more active than Facebook and I barely follow anyone!)
It’s really more about what you really WANT to do vs. what you HAVE to do. Sure, I procrastinate, sometimes, until I have no choice and I have to do what I have to do. NOW!
Of course, in the interim, I write a blog post, clean the house, do laundry, straighten my desk (so much paper in our “paperless age of electronics”), read a book, have dental work done (how could marketers be less liked than dentists and lawyers…) and then, when my mind is free and clear, I can focus and get done what I have to do today.
Just think about what you like to do, then figure out how to make that what you actually do. Then, even though there will still be things that you procrastinate to get done, you will enjoy the time spent most of the rest of the time.
Have fun, it’s almost the weekend (and a long, holiday weekend at that!) Spend it doing all the stuff you really, really like to do – but take some time to think about what is next. Do not procrastinate on this, you owe it to yourself to make the next choice right.
~ Dawn aka Hat Girl