It is October is the season for scary stories…
If you are in to that sort of thing.
Which, many are.
The thriller that keeps you on the edge of your seat in suspense. Waiting for the next jump scare. Making you wonder what is coming next, because you didn’t see that coming and, yes, you did jump in your chair.
The murder mystery, with clues that string you along thinking one thing. Then, shock and dismay, it wasn’t the butler!
The super-realistic tale that puts the others to shame. The one that you don’t have to see made into a movie, because the author has shared so much detail about something so frightening you don’t want to see it on screen.
Or, even more intense.
The news. The good (not so much of it), the bad and the ugly – the things you wouldn’t even want to think about, let alone read in a book. History has a way of doing this doesn’t it…
Oh, the month is full of scary stories and it has not even gotten started yet.
~ Dawn aka Hat Girl