At home we have specific rules. Some, while away from home are the same but different rules may also apply.
- Do your work first.
- Make time for play.
- Buy essential things and do it efficiently.
- Be extravagant and splurge a little.
- Go to bed on-time and wake up early.
- Stay up late, wake up early to see the sunrise otherwise, sleep in because you don’t really have to get up.
- Make good, healthy meals and eat together for dinner.
- Order out, french fries and potato chips if you’d like, but still eat together.
I’ve been thinking how vacation and college are kind of the same but different in so many other ways. Both are times in our lives when we spend more, and earn less, but gain so very much. Being home is like neither of these, but we wouldn’t deny someone the option to have experienced either at some point or another. And, if you are truly lucky over and over and over again.
~ Dawn aka Hat Girl