Parenting today is hard.
I am not trying to say that it has gotten any easier or harder than it was 100 years ago, 50 years ago, or even 30 years ago…
What I am saying is that it is hard and has always been so.
You are their first teacher, you are the ones who can help them get their start in the world, you are the ones who protect them and get them past the front door – whether their first foray into the world is preschool, or elementary school, or even dare I say it – college.
Kids need their parents to help them with street smarts, developing empathy, seeing the value of charity and kindness.
The other educators in their world help them with more than just ABCs today. In fact, if you don’t have them ready with more than just ABC and 123…but ready for kid writing and advanced communication skills; if you don’t, they won’t be able to spend time in their day learning html coding by the time they’re in the 3rd month of kindergarten.
Of course, parenting today is difficult. Most parents work, don’t get enough sleep and have to spend time every day making breakfast and lunches, dropping at the bus or school, helping with homework and after-school enrichment classes for music and arts. The weekends are filled with soccer, hockey, choir and marching band – not to mention grocery shopping, laundry and other family obligations. It isn’t easy, but man oh man, they are adorable and we wouldn’t miss it for the world.
~ Dawn aka Hat Girl