One word: papercut.
Ever break a leg or a bone of any kind in your body? Maybe you were in a car accident. Perhaps someone punched you in the nose one time – or just bumped you with their elbow completely accidentally. Maybe you have had…well, let’s leave that out of it, okay Scott?
All of those hurt – a lot.
Those injuries are bad. They don’t, however, mean that one day in the future, that you won’t get a papercut. Unfortunately, it will hurt so much that it is all that you can think about every time you touch your finger to the keyboard, a lightswitch, a book you might be reading (not the one that caused the injury, another paper-based document did that, like a cardboard box maybe), or, pretty much anything you came into contact with today. It will heal and you will forget about it, just like the pain of all those other things fades, too.
~ Dawn aka Hat Girl
PS Yea, today I feel as though the last 6 months of this election is pretty much like a papercut. Thank goodness it won’t hurt any more tomorrow – rip the BandAid right off and let’s move on and let the healing begin.