When there has been enough darkness, you walk out into the sun, you may be tempted to say “oh, my eyes!” Such as when you just left the office…At the eye doctor’s after being checked for glaucoma. Or, perhaps nothing to do with days and days of rain, grey clouds and the first sunny day needing sunglasses, for sure, but instead:
- When you have seen something you didn’t want to see and now you can’t “un-see” it.
- At that moment when you realize you were not supposed to open that envelope with the receipt in it.
- When you realize that the person you are interviewing is actually a spy – and you have just casually asked too many specific questions – now they think you know more than you actually do.
- At the restaurant, with an open door to the prep area.
- When the wind blows and the skirt twirls up (on your great aunt as she heads into the family wedding.)
Hopefully, you can avert your glance before you have to say “oh, my eyes!” out loud and have other people look, too. When that happens, just try to keep it quiet and then, no one will know what you also now know.
~ Dawn aka Hat Girl