Just like beauty is in the eye of the beholder, what is music to our ears is quite subjective. Pop music, is just that. POPular.
Had a conversation today with my eldest teen and she definitely had a strong opinion about Adele and Beyonce – with the latter being preferred.
I can’t argue, like I mentioned yesterday, I like them both, for different reasons.
I also like the wide variety of options that I have available to me from my “generation” which spanned from the 1960s rock and roll (my dad’s influence) to the 1970s, 1980s and 1990s – I don’t know what you call the 2000 – the “Oughts” someone thought it should be – but that never caught on. Then, we round into the teens. (Weird. Not the 1910 teens.) I listen to what my kids like.
On purpose.
I love it all.
Jazz, Classical. Folk. Punk. Rap.Rock and Alternative…Singer Songwriters are probably my favorite – they can write and compose – with each song telling a story.
So, I channel surf, I play my iTunes library, I have CDs (not often played, but sometimes.) Today we sang Titanium, Let Her Go, and a few songs that they played several times on one channel – current pop songs. Of course, the last two are stuck in my head; Natasha Bedingfield’s “Pocket Full of Sunshine” – which reminds me more of Emma Stone in Easy A than it does of the blonde performer and JT’s Can’t Stop The Feeling (also with “sunshine in your pocket”).
Tomorrow’s forecast… sunshine.
What I didn’t hear today, was one single song from either Beyonce or Adele.
Hm. Wonder what’s up with that? (Passenger is coming to Philly, so they are playing them…which makes sense.)
Luckily…when something is not music to our ears, we can always choose something else, play our own tune or turn it off and just talk to each other. So, yea, when the music isn’t good, I like that, too.
~ Dawn aka Hat Girl