In many cases, I have to wonder if the signs are more of a request than a rule? They all sound so negative…
- No Smoking.
- No Skateboarding.
- No Biking.
- No Dogs on the Beach.
- No Shirt. No Shoes. No Service.
- We will gladly take your order when you put down your phone.
- No Cell Phone Use in the Doctor’s Office.
Even after the Myth Busters tested all kinds of ways a cell phone might cause harm, take down a plane, cause a malfunction of a mechanical device…they couldn’t 100% disprove (or bust) the myth…
So, in the end, while many of these signs might simply be more of a request, than an absolute down and dirty, dangerous practice…they are probably still a good idea to follow. At least, out of respect for the person who put up the sign in the first place.
~ Dawn aka Hat Girl