The more time you spend out and about, the more ideas you have on things you’d like to learn, do or buy to make your life and your home more comfortable.
Retailers are so good at that aren’t they? Especially before the holidays.
But, when you’ve been cooped up for oh, so long, you sometimes need to get out and see some fresh ideas for the home (and people in your home.)
- Decorations.
- Costumes.
- New snacks.
- Apparel.
- Consumables.
- Furniture.
- Shoes. (sure…shoes are good, too)
- Pillows.
It’s not easy to look and not touch, or to just look and not buy, but it is still fun.
Still, you have to stay focused, and only consider more ideas than you actually need. Then, take the time to consider and weigh them all very carefully – thinking of the space you have, the things you really need and what you must purchase. Winter is coming and the house is not getting any less crowded, which is good, but sometimes less (stuff) is more relaxing. Or, maybe, one more pillow wouldn’t hurt.
~ Dawn aka Hat Girl