Missing A Day

It has become one of those times, when you feel like you are missing a day, over and over and over again.

  • How did we forget?
  • What day is it?
  • When did we skip Tuesday? (Not today).
  • Where did the time go?
  • Why do we need routines?

In the last 20+ months, we have changed our daily and regular routines, we have adapted, we have pivoted and we have adjusted.

But, people need a routine; to create habits.

People need to follow along and do things that while sometimes repetitive, are easy to do, manage and control.

Life becomes predictable, until you decide you want to shake it up a bit.

However, that isn’t always like going out for dinner (for a change). It also isn’t like taking a walk east instead of west.

Instead it is a disruption. Small things may get missed.

In this case, at least for me, it was a big thing…like an entire day.

In this particular case, after 8+ years, but changing it up for 2 days, I felt like I was literally missing a day. Some routines are hard to start. Then, once you have them, they are hard to change. Still, quite others are easy to break. So – the lesson here is – stay on plan, keep your routines and maintain a consistent schedule, which will hopefully not confuse you in the short term, or even the long run – and instead, work to your advantage.

~ Dawn aka Hat Girl

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