Lost Everything But Organized

Ever have that feeling that you have lost everything, but organized in spite of not being able to find anything.

You heard the advice, you heeded it, you took the time, and put everything where it belongs. Except, now you can’t find what you need…when you want it.

I spent nearly an hour the other day looking for something that I knew I had. When I finally found it, I was so happy. I was relieved that my faculties hadn’t completely left me and that I was able to find something that I had specifically saved.

I knew that some day, I would need it.

Or, one of my kids would need it; which, let’s face it is pretty much the same thing.

Then, I went out shopping, anyway. (I didn’t have EVERYTHING we needed.)

At the hardware store, they had the exact same item for $4.99 – which some would argue would offer far more value to me in terms of savings had I just gone and bought a new one. Of course. That is 100% true. Even though I work on retainer, and my hourly rate is sort of nebulous, I do bring in more than 5 bucks an hour.

One of my clients always says “time is money” and she is right.

Yet, being thrifty, and recycling or reusing is important. I have a problem just tossing something just because you don’t need it now, and you don’t know when you will need it again.

If there is a chance that you will need it, save it. (Just don’t put it away too well.)

It does help to have system, and to have help creating a system…and an organizer is a huge asset. A Professional Organizer. They are tremendously helpful. Well worth their fee, and their professional opinion.

Unless you are the type of person who can just stay ahead of the clutter.

You might be able to remember where you put things, if you actually get to it on a regular basis. Maybe you have your own system, whether it is based on why you will need them, or having really specific places for each and every little thing you own.

Maybe, you are the kind of person who submits the “after image” to Real Simple (you know, that super clean, even on the cover, magazine) and it truly is better than their staged one.

I however am not. I need (and want) help.

In the end, even after going through the process, sometimes things seem misplaced. The good thing is, that it is just a state of feeling.  You haven’t lost everything…but organized them so well that they just appear to be missing. This reminds me…I need to find those notebooks I bought last year and we didn’t need…before, it is time for school (again.)

~ Dawn aka Hat Girl

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