Letters From Home

When you’re away for the first time, letters from home mean so much…

Conversely, for parents, any communication from their children, whomever is away, is even more important. This can simply mean a text, email, or snaps from the day…a question posed that only mom or dad will know the answer is a huge bonus.

They need you.

There is a difference in the communications you share when you aren’t there for every moment or every day.

All of a sudden, they need to “talk” to you another way.

In the moments between, as the day’s turn into weeks, then months until they’re on their own for the rest of their lives.

This is when the letters from home matter even more to them…even if they won’t admit it or ask for more. It is one of the most important transitions in life and all you can do is help them through it one word at a time.

~ Dawn aka Hat Girl

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