Late Nights

These late nights and early mornings – looking for the stars, the sun and the moon. We are reaching deep into the very depths of our capability. Perseids is escaping our reach.

Too much light pollution (you wouldn’t think that of the beach, would you?) Certainly in our “car dealership” center of the universe (ok, maybe the county. ok, maybe the lower county…it is a few too many) and there’s an awful lot of stray light that blocks the view of the stars where we live.

Certainly that (not open all night) CVS and the Weichert Realtor could turn their lights off? (Do people pick up keys at all hours of the night? No? Then Turn them off please, we either want to sleep or be able to see the stars.) Oh, wait, maybe the lighthouse ran out of funds, so they keep their lights on so that no one crashes. Could that be it?

Our last night…one more of our many late nights and we will soon be signing off to go back home. Home. We probably won’t be able to see Perseids there either, but we will be able to sleep in without a pull of the sunrise to get us up and out early onto the beach.

~ Dawn aka Hat Girl

PS It is one of those vacations when you need a vacation to recover. Can I take another – just one more – day?


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