While it is still far from last call in Philadelphia (12:30Am as I am finally getting to write this tonight) the legal bar closing time is changing. Soon it will be 4AM. Some already have approval to stay open that late (or is it early…?)
This is, I am certain, trying to remain competitive with other areas, such as Washington, DC (3AM closing time) and of course, NYC. But for what? To help the bar owners? To allow them to capture more customers? Keep younger (legal drinking aged) residents and recent grads in the area. Yes. That is precisely why.
People who are willing and able to stay out until the wee hours of the night don’t see a difference between 2AM and 4AM – those two hours will not make a difference in their ability to get up early (6AM) and get to work by 8 or 9 in the morning. They can either do it or they can’t. Maybe, they don’t even have a job that starts early. It is harder to find a corporate job these days, so why not stay out, they don’t have to be at work until 4PM anyway…plenty of time to shower, eat and get there in time to – well, to do whatever it is they do.
So, if you are hosting or planning a bachelorette or bachelor party, you don’t have to go all the way to another far off land… you can host it right here, in Old City, South Street, Center City, Fish Town, Northern Liberties (wait, are they too residential now?) Ok, just choose any one of the neighborhoods that will cater to your personal preference for entertainment, food and of course, drink. It’s last call for alcohol and in the words of George Thoroughgood, it’s ok, because “I’m tired.” Good night y’all. I hope you are having fun…
~ Dawn aka Hat Girl