I think I have too many Christmas carols and songs floating in my head and on the tip of my tongue at any moment…today it’s Santa Baby – the original version from 1953 by Eartha Kitt – on her “Down to Eartha” album.
What a great name…what an even better song.
Honestly, though, singing Christmas carols aside, there is nothing more fun in life than dressing up a baby…unless they start crying because they are tired, hungry or cold…in which case the irritation factor is high and they let you know it.
But, then, you get to hold and soothe them, generally making life better for them again. If only it was so simple after they get bigger and turn into toddlers, teens and even, adults.
Once they grow a little bit older, and a little bit bigger – the problems are not so easily solved. In fact, singing Christmas carols and asking them to dress up for the holiday season makes them worse, somehow.
While we all know teens are much more moody than toddlers, (come on – even if you don’t have one, you were one, once…) and I do encourage you to try, as long as you can to make a point of adding a personal touch. If not a good long hug (which WE know is the best), hold their hand, rub their back and help them breathe to get through whatever it is that is bothering them.
You know, the things that are so much more of a worry than you – the new mom playing “dress up” with outfits everyone has given to you for the holiday season – can cause for them.
As they grow up so many more things may seem daunting and they need your guidance through it all.
Also, if you have a kid (who am I kidding?) 3 kids like mine, who cried every time you tried to get that money shot for Christmas, but failed every time…you should keep trying now.
In fact, try harder now. It matters more.
Back then, even though you would soothe their fears and say, “it’s Santa baby…” they didn’t know who that guy was – the one wearing the red suit – but they knew their mom/mama/momma/mum and they trusted her implicitly to protect them. Why should today be any different?
~ Dawn aka Hat Girl