How is it possible to not be one of these: good all the time or bad all the time? Somehow, there are retailers and service providers that are simply inconsistently good and bad depending on the day (or quite likely, the employee…)
Today, they were good – great even. Completed early. Accurately. Associate was downright friendly. 🙂
Last month, they were terrible. Not ready when promised. Two mistakes. None of the associates would look you in the eye, let alone smile or even try to be pleasant.
It was a full moon this week. I don’t remember, but I think it was a similar “notoriously crazy” moon phase then, too. Maybe it’s me. Maybe it’s them. Maybe it’s their training? Systems not working? Too many customers? (NO!! never say that!)
Unfortunately, in this case, they are not a monopoly, but they have the best pricing, flexible service hours and they are in most major cities – there are 3 locations within 20 minutes of my office – so we put up with the “terrible, crazy, must-make-you-wait-forever orders” because invariably we enjoy the “fabulous, perfection, more-smiles-than-you-could-ever-hope-to-expect fulfillment” every so often.
Wouldn’t it be even better to just find a way to eliminate the terrible and keep all the good? Then, you wouldn’t have to worry about some other provider being able to take your customers away from you…because you are not consistently fabulous and you wouldn’t have to worry about the way the moon phase might affect your sales.
~ Dawn aka Hat Girl