It really isn’t possible, at least with today’s technology to pull a Back to the Future, going back in time to see your parents as teenagers, or even as parents of you, as a teen.
Instead, you get to do what they did… Do you today, remember what it was like?
Now you perhaps are supporting your children, helping them accomplish their goals, assisting them make the most of their abilities.
Of course, times have changed, none of us would choose going back in time to live as teens ourselves and reliving that time…at least most of us wouldn’t. Life is better on the other side of pimples and awkwardness, not knowing what to say or do, how to act or what we would become. Our careers, our passion, our spouse, our children…from teens to toddlers and even adults with kids of their own. We choose now. Because now is the best time to be you.
~ Dawn aka Hat Girl