All day there have been celebrations across the country and the same occurred in our home. Before the festivities started, I (haha) had some free time. So, I watched a few TED talks – current development at Google in the arts, how girls should try to be more brave rather than perfect and another one that seemed relevant to the holiday at hand. It didn’t beat about the bush, nor “quietly hint” about problems we have going on in this country – he came right out and said we have a problem with freedom of information – amongst other things.
Of course there are a lot of “things” going on here in the USA which I won’t get into here, in this blog, but let’s just say they make me worry about our future. Not long, drawn out, worry that keeps me up at night, but worry that makes me wonder how our country could have gotten here and how we can get back to where we should be…
Countless millions of men and women have fought, time and time again, for our freedom. They fought for freedom from tyranny, freedom from oppression, freedom of religion and freedom of speech…
Today, many more brave souls are hard at work each and every day trying to keep our Constitutional Rights available to us.
Then, as I am thinking of how this would be great to share, ironicly the wifi stopped working. We use our internet connectivity all the time to learn more than we knew yesterday, and today it went out. Poof. No connectivity. (Side note: I didn’t then, nor now, believe it was a conspiracy…it just is an old router, ok. Okay.)
Here I am trying to share the information, the very important details of freedom of the press…and today of all days, we lose the one key thing that allows us freedom of information gathering, sharing and exposition. So quickly, while I can share – check out this TED talk. Why? Because you can and I just reminded you about it.
~ Dawn aka Hat Girl