Dinner for Four

Dinner for four should not be a problem.

Or, at least I thought it wouldn’t be, anyway.

It should be far easier to seat than at a table for five…believe me as a mom of three kids. Someone always has to sit on the end, or we have to wait for a larger table able to seat six, or more.

To be fair, it hasn’t been easy for the past eight plus years. Everyone always has an opinion or a preference; one of the kids is vegetarian and one of them really despises vegetables. (I exaggerate for sure.) The rest of the crew just has general likes and dislikes and while there is a fairly wide overlap in the Venn Diagram, it isn’t an easy task.

We struggle with this daily. I mean…




Or, maybe I just do. (No, they do, too.)

Even with one of them back to school, eliminating one variable and opinion, it still isn’t easy.

Trying to please everyone and their preferences, moods, cravings really just isn’t possible.

For the last six months or so – who’s counting anymore – it’s been even more of a struggle to find something:

  • interesting;
  • unique;
  • easy to make in a moment’s notice (well after 5PM);
  • appealing to all; and,
  • possible based on what we have in the fridge and pantry!

Even with fresh veggies each week from the local farm CSA (that was a great decision as usual) and not too much kale (yet) we are finding it hard to make a dinner for four. And by this I mean something different than the same dishes we’ve had all year. I am sure I am exaggerating, but it just *feels* this way…probably because we are also making breakfast and lunch every day, too. Here’s to hoping it’s been better for you. If it has (and you have a great recipe) please share.

~ Dawn aka Hat Girl

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