This year is shaping up with a very different ending than so many others.
We made so many plans.
We spent time last year with friends, talking about opportunity.
- Let’s do this again, let’s do this next, let’s go here or there, maybe?
- When shall we do it?
- Whenever, I am flexible.
It is just hours from the end of the year, the one that was 2020.
I know it is not just me, but it feels off, more so than the other days in the last 9 and a half months (and then some).
There is an anticlimactic aspect of the holidays. We are not able to go out and celebrate – see family and friends – enjoy a meal out of the home.
It lends itself to more of the same.
- Work, because it will still be there when the holidays are over.
- Study, because learning is always a good thing.
- Cleaning, because with everyone home, the house needs to be cleaned more often.
- Strategizing, because the year ending doesn’t mean that you can take a break.
- Reassessing; it is time to make your moves, change what you don’t like, and improve on what you have on hand.
You can’t give up. You can’t sleep the days away. You can’t just eat and drink until it is over.
Sure, 2020 has a different ending than many thought it would have, but every day is a new opportunity and a new beginning. Make of it what you can and trust that it won’t be the same next year unless you let it be the same. Use the power you have to control your future. It is there, you just have to believe in it.
~ Dawn aka Hat Girl